IMG 2273aWDuring the winter of 1971, the Continental Divide Association conducted a survey in the mining town of Creede to determine the necessity of starting a new mission there. The prospects looked very favorable.

The Association purchased the "Six Gun Camp" property for the new work. This gave the mission ten lots and eight buildings. The Calvary Baptist Church of Monte Vista agreed to become the sponsor. First services in the Six Gun facility were held on June 13, 1971, with 24 in attendance.

The first members of the new mission were: Lester and Emily Roberts, Pat Morrow, Dave and Thea Wolfe, and Bob and Lois Thompson

By 1977, the new mission had outgrown the Six Gun facilities. The group began to make plans for building their new sanctuary. Some out-of-state builders were enlisted as volunteer labor. The logs were donated by Wolf Creek Industries of Pagosa Springs. Work was soon begun. By July, the first services were held in the new facility.

August 10, 1977 was a significant day for the mission. After a very special morning worship service, a "constituting service" was held at 2.00 p.m. The church chose as their name, "The Creede Baptist Church." They called Curtis Smith to become pastor of the new church. The church voted to affiliate with the Continental Divide Association, Colorado Baptist General Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention

Charter member, Lester Roberts recalls that in the early days, baptisms were often held in the Rio Grande River. Once during an early spring thaw, the water was swift and icy. The baptismal candidates had to tie ropes about their waists to keep from being carried downstream with the current.

In 1993 they purchased a home for the pastor in the Creede Haven Addition near town. The old parsonage behind the church building was removed to make room for the new fellowship hall which was completed in 1998.

In 2015, the old parsonage was sold and a new one was purchased on Valley View, just off Deep Creek Road.

Former pastors: Don Pemp, Dillard Roberts, Curtis Smith, Milo Arbuckle, Don Gentry, John Lawrence, Tim Frazier, Roy Joe Ham, Allen Shelton, Pat Knowlton, and David Gale.

~ An Updated History of Continental Divide Association of Southern Baptist Churches by Charles B. Aiken and Fayma L. Humphreys

Worship Times


9:45am - Sunday School
(Nursury/Toddler, Elementary, Middle/High School, and Ladies, Mens, and General Groups)

11:00am - Worship

5:00pm - Family & Young Adult Night
(Potluck dinner followed by Group Study: K-5th Grade, 6th-12th Grade, Parents, and Young Adults)

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Contact Us


600 La Garita
PO Box 151
Creede, CO   81130

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